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Questions and Answers on Biology


1. The organelle which converts the solar energy into chemical energy is .........
A) Mitochondria
B) Lysosome
C) Chloroplast
D) Ribosome

2. The semi-autonomous cell organelle which is present in both plant cell and animal cell is ......
A) Chloroplast
B) Mitochondria
C) Ribosome
D) Both A & B

3. An old cell is characterised by?
A) Absence of vacuole
B) Absence of incorrect
C) Presence of small vacuole
D) Presence of large vacuole

4. Which one of the following is incorrect match?
A) Nucleus - Cell brain
B) Peroxisome - Suicidal bag of cell
C) Ribosomes - Protein factories
D) Mitochondria - Power house

5. Which of the following is not considered as a part of the endomembrane system?
A) Lysosome
B) Golgi complex
C) Chloroplast
D) Endoplasmic reticulum

6. Amembranous cell organelles which are found in both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells are?
A) Mitochondria
B) Vacuoles
C) Ribosome
D) Both A & B

7. Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles has DNA?
A) Lysosome
B) Golgi complex
C) Chloroplast
D) Chloroplast and Mitochondria

8. The sedimentation constant of a ribosome is 70 S. It breaks up into two subunits whose sedimentation constants are ......
A) 40 S and 30 S
B) 50 S and 20 S
C) 60 S and 20 S
D) 50 S and 30 S

9. Nucleus was discovered by ....
A) Porter
B) Robert Brown
C) Rhodin
D) Robert Hook

10. Which of the following organelle is absent in bacteria?
A) Ribosome
B) Plasmid
C) Mitochondria
D) All of these

11. End product of glycolysis is .....
A) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
B) Pyruvic acid
C) Acetyl - coA
D) Glucose

12. The site of glycolysis is ....
A) Cristae
B) Matrix
C) Oxysome
D) Cytoplasm

13. Krebs cycle takes place in ....
A) Cytoplasm
B) Matrix
C) Cristae
D) Golgi complex

14. Which of the following is known connecting link between glycolysiskrebs cycle?
A) Pyruvic acid
B) Citric acid
C) Acetyl - coA
D) Oxaloacetic acid

15. Number of oxidation reactions take during TCA cycle?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 1
D) 1

16. Identify the enzyme which is not involved in glycolysis?
A) Phosphoglycerate Kinase
B) Phosphofructo kinase
C) Fumarase
D) All of these

17. Which of the following is an amphibolic pathway?
A) TCA cycle
B) Calvin cycle
D) Terminal oxidation

19. Number of ATP molecules produced by each NADPH is?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 5

20. What is the correct order of the stage of cellular respiration?
A) Kreb's cycle + ETC + Glycolysis
B) ETC + Kreb's cycle +Glycolysis
C) Glycolysis + Kreb's cycle  + ETC
D) Glycolysis + ETC  +  Kreb's cycle

21. Number of ATP molecules produced by each FADH?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 5

22. Electron transport chain(ETC) reactions take place in ........
A) Cytoplasm
B) Matrix
C) Cristae
D) Golgi complex

23. A single cycle of TCA yields ...
A) 2 FADH2 + 2 NADH2 + 2 ATP
B) 1 FADH2 + 2 NADH2 + 1 ATP
C) 1 FADH2 + 3 NADH2 + 1 ATP
D) 1 FADH2 + 1 NADH2 + 1 ATP

24. How many oxidative decarboxylation reactions occur in TCA cycle?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4

25. Citric acid cycle was discovered by?
A) Lipman
B) Hans Krebs
C) Melvin Calvin
D) Robert Hill

26. Enzyme involved in the first of Krebs cycle ...
A) Citric thiokinase
B) Citric dehydrogenase
C) Citric decarboxylase
D) Citric synthase

27. Which of the following is known as stress phyto hormone?
A) Abscisic acid
B) Ethylene
C) Auxin
D) Cytokinin

28. All are synthetic auxins except ......
C) 2, 4 - D
D) 2, 4, 5 - T

29. Nodule formation is induced by?
D) Both A & B

30. Which of the following amino acid is required for the synthesis of auxin?
A) Tryptophan
B) Phenylalanine
C) Lysine
D) Cystine

31. Avena curvature test is associated with?
A) Auxin
B) Cytokinin
C) Abscisic acid
D) Gibberellin

32. Coconut milk factor is .......
A) auxin
B) Gibberellin acid
C) Abscisic acid
D) Cytokinin

33. Which of the following is not a C4 plane?
A) Sorghum
B) Rice
C) Sugar cane
D) Maize

34. Most abundant plant protein in the world?
A) PEP case
B) Carbonic anhydrase
C) RuBisCo
D) Amylase

35. Ribulose 1, 5 bisphosphate is .....
A) 4 carbon aldose sugar
B) 3 carbon aldose sugar
C) 6 carbon ketose sugar
D) 5 carbon ketose sugar

36. Bicollateral vascular bundle is a characteristic feature of ......
A) Cucurbitaceae
B) Solanaceae
C) Cruciferae
D) Malvaceae

37. The age of tree by counting annual rings is called .....
A) Dendrology
B) Chronology
C) Gerentology
D) Dendrochronology

38. Which of the following is not a part of stele?
A) Pericycle
B) Pith
C) Xylem
D) Endodermis

39. The outer most layer of bark is ......
A) Phelloderm
B) Phellogen
C) Phellem
D) Pith

40. Inner most layer of periderm is .....
A) Phelloderm
B) Phellogen
C) Phellem
D) Pith

41. R.Q. value of succulent plant is?
A) 1
B) 0
C) less than one
D) 2

42. Seed dormancy is caused by .......
A) Auxim
B) Abscisic acid
C) Cytokinin
D) Gibberellin

43. The principle involved in guttation is .....
A) Transpiration
B) Root pressure
C) Imbibition
D) Osmosis

44. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 acceptor in .....
A) C3 plants
B) C4 plants
C) C3 and C4 plants
D) C2 plants

45. The water potential of pure water is .....
A) 0
B) 1
C) more than 1
D) less than '0'

46. In dicot root generally xylem is .....
A) Exarch and polyarch
B) Exarch and tetrach
C) Exarch and triarch
D) Exarch and diarch

47. Casparian strips are present in cells of which of the following?
A) Epidermis
B) Hypodermis
C) Endodermis
D) Pericycle

48. Polyarch condition is found in .......
A) Monocot root
B) Dicot root
C) Monocot stem
D) Dicot stem

50. Light reactions of photo synthesis occur in which part of chloroplast? 
A) Matrix
B) Grana
C) Stroma
D) All
Questions and Answers on Biology

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