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Asia Geography Quiz


1. Asteroids are found between:
a) The Earth and Mars
b) Saturn and Jupiter
c) Mercury and Venus
d) Mars and Jupiter

2. All the planets move around the Sun in a:
a) Square path
b) Elongated path
c) Rectangular path
d) Elliptical path

3. The pole star always indicates the direction of:
a) South
b) Earth
c) North
d) West

4. Which planet is known as "Earth's twin"?
a) Venus
b) Jupiter
c) Saturn
d) Mars

5. Which of the following are celestial bodies?
a) The sun
b) The moon
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

6. The word "Planet" is derived from ____ language
a) The Greek
b) The French
c) English
d) None of these

7. Inner planets are made up of:
a) Rocks
b) Gases
c) Liquids
d) Solids

8. Outer planets are made up of:
a) Rocks and soil
b) Gases and Rocks
c) Liquid and rocks
d) Gases

9. What is the distance between the Sun and the Earth?
a) 150 million km
b) 120 km million
c) 130 km million
d) 125 km million

10. How many planets are there in our solar system___ ?(at present)
a) Nine
b) Ten
c) Eight
d) Eleven

11. Which planet is called dustiest planet?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Earth
d) Jupiter

12. Our earth has only one satellite. What is the name of the satellite?
a) The moon
b) Demos
c) Ganymede
d) Phobos

13. Which of the following planets is nearest to the sun?
a) Jupiter
b) Mercury
c) Earth
d) Mars

14. The Sun is a:
a) Satellite
b) Planet
c) Star
d) All the above

15. Which of the following is biggest planet of our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Saturn
c) Jupiter
d) Mars

16. Which of the following is smallest planet of solar system?
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) Mercury

17. Which of the following planet is called "Morning Star and Evening Star"?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Uranus
d) Saturn

18. The study of the moon is called:
a) Selenology
b) Archeology
c) Menology
d) Orbit logy

19. The standard Meridian of India is___ longitude
a) 82½° East
b) 84¼° East
c) 87½° East
d) 85° East

20. The Arctic circle is located in:
a) Southern Hemisphere
b) Northern Hemisphere
c) Eastern Hemisphere
d) Western Hemisphere

21. The Antarctic Circle is located in:
a) The Eastern hemisphere
b) The Southern hemisphere
c) The Northern hemisphere
d) None of these

22. The Frigid Zone lies near:
a) The Tropic of cancer
b) The Equator
c) The Poles
d) The Prime meridian

23. The value of the prime meridian is:
a) 90°
b) 0°
c) 60°
d) 180°

24. The total number of longitudes is:
a) 90
b) 180
c) 0
d) 360

25. The tropic of Capricorn is located in:
a) Northern Hemisphere
b) Western Hemisphere
c) Southern hemisphere
d) Eastern Hemisphere

26. Latitudes are measured in:
a) Degree
b) Centigrade
c) Mille grade
d) Decameter

27. The Torrid Zone is:
a) The maximum heat
b) The minimum heat
c) Cold
d) Icecap

28. "IST" stands for:
a) The Indian Standard Trend
b) The Indian Statistical Trend
c) The Indian Standard Time
d) The Indian Stand Trend

29. Cycle of the seasons is caused due to:
a) Coriolis force
b) Gravitation
c) Rotation
d) Revolution

30. Direct ray of the sun fall on the equator on:
a) December 22
b) June 21
c) March 21
d) May 15

31. Which of the following country celebrates Christmas during summer?
a) India
b) US
c) Japan
d) Australia

32. The movement of the earth around the Sun is known as:
a) Inclination
b) Declination
c) Revolution
d) Rotation

33. Earth rotates on its axis at the speed of:
a) 1600 km/hr
b) 1610 km/hr
c) 1630 km/hr
d) 1620 km/hr

34. A leap year consists of how many days?
a) 28 days
b) 366 days
c) 365 days
d) 29 days

35. How much time earth takes to complete one rotation?
a) 365 days
b) 180 days
c) 30 days
d) 24 hours

36. Map showing distribution of forests is called:
a) Political maps
b) Thematic map
c) Physical map
d) None of these

37. Maps showing features of the earth is:
a) Resource map
b) Political map
c) Thematic map
d) Physical map

38. Maps showing features of countries and states of the world with their boundaries called:
a) Thematic map
b) Social map
c) Physical map
d) Political map

39. The component features of maps are:
a) Distances
b) Directions
c) Symbols
d) All the above

40. Which gas is present in more percentage in the atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) None of these

41. Which is the largest continent?
a) Africa
b) Australia
c) North America
d) Asia

42. The mountain range that separates Europe from Asia is:
a) Rockies
b) The Andes
c) The Himalayas
d) Urals

43. The domain of the earth that consists of solid rock is:
a) Ionosphere
b) The Hydrosphere
c) The Atmosphere
d) The Lithosphere

44. The continent of North America is linked to South America by:
a) Peninsula
b) A strait
c) A canal
d) An isthmus

45. The continents of Europe and Asia together are known as:
a) Melanesia
b) Polynesia
c) Eurasia
d) None of these

46. The highest mountain peak on the earth is:
a) Nanga parbat
b) Mount Everest
c) Kanchanaganga
d) Kilimanjaro

47. How many continents are there?
a) 6 continents
b) 5 continents
c) 4 continents
d) 7 continents

48. The greatest depth in Pacific Ocean is:
a) Challenger deep
b) Palk strait
c) Isthmus
d) None of these

49. Which is the smallest continent in terms of area?
a) North America
b) South America
c) Australia
d) Africa

50. Through which continent the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn passes?
a) Asia
b) Europe
c) Africa
d) North America

51. The world's largest hot desert is located in:
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Australia
d) North America

52. In which continent "The Sahara desert" is located?
a) Australia
b) South America
c) Africa
d) North America

53. Which is the second largest continent in terms of area?
a) North America
b) Asia
c) Europe
d) Africa

54. Which is the world's longest river?
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) The Indus
d) The Ganga

55. The Maitre and the Dakshin Gangotri are located in:
a) Europe
b) Asia
c) Africa
d) Antarctica

56. The movement of ocean water is mainly in the form of:
a) The waves
b) The Tides
c) The Ocean Currents
d) All

57. How many major oceans are there?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 7
d) 5

58. Which is the largest ocean?
a) The Indian Ocean
b) The Arctic Ocean
c) The Pacific Ocean
d) The Atlantic Ocean

59. Shape of the Pacific Ocean is:
a) S shape
b) Circular in shape
c) Rectangular shape
d) Square shape

60. Shape of the Atlantic Ocean is:
a) V shape
b) S shape
c) Triangular in shape
d) None of these
Asia Geography Quiz

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