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Physics Questions and Answers


1. To prevent the magnetic effects the magnetic effects sereanson are made of?
1) Glass
2) Wood
3) Iron
4) Brass

2. The material suitable for making electromagnets should have?
1) high retentivity and high coercivity
2) low retentivity and low coercivity
3) 1 and 2
4) None of these

3. Diamagnetism is?
1) An orientation effect
2) Domain effect
3) hysteresis effect
4) A distortion effect

4. The best method for demagnetisation is
1) dropping the magnet from certain hight
2) Hammering the magnet
3) Heating the magnet
4) Sending alternating currents through the magnet

5. The angle of dip at a place on the earth gives?
1) The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field
2) The location of the geographic meridian
3) The vertical component of the earth’s field
4) None

6. Thermostat works on the principle of ?
1) On heating metal expands
2) unequal expansions of different metals on heating
3) both 1 and 2
4) None

7. Which of the following behaves like water between oo c and 4o c?
1) Rubber
2) Glass
3) Salt
4) Mercury

8. Water is used in car radiators as coolant because of
1) Its density is more
2) High Specific heat
3) High thermal conductivity
4) Free availability

9. Finger prints are observed by the use of
1) Telescope
2) Microscope
3) Galilean telescope
4) Concave lens

10. Two plane mirrors are at 450 to each other. If an object is placed between them, then the number of images will be
1) 5
2) 9
3) 7
4) 8

11. The phenomenon used in optical fibres for transmission of light energy is
1) Total internal reflection
2) Scattering
3) Diffraction
4) Refraction

12. Rising and setting of the sun appears to be reddish because of
1) Reflection
2) Refraction
3) Total internal reflection
4) Scattering due to dust particle and air molecules

13. Which is used to detect the existence of submarines
4) None

14. Doppler effect is applicable to
1) Sound waves
2) Light waves
3) Radio waves
4) all the above

15. In case of stationary waves which one given bellow is correct?
1) Energy is uniformly distributed
2) Energy is maximum at nodes and minimum at antipodes
3) Energy is minimum at nodes and maximum at antipodes
4) None of the above

16. Kilo watt hour is the unit of
1) Power
2) Energy
3) pressure
4) Time

17. I Fermi is equal to
1) 10-7 micron
2) 10-5 angstrom unit
3) 10-3 nanometre
4) None of the above

18. Which of the following is not a physical quantity
1) Siemens
2) Kelvin
3) heronry
4) All the above

19. which of the following is systematic error
1) least count error
2) parallax error
3) Theoretical error
4) All

20. The arithmetic mean of several measurement is called?
1) Practical value
2) Imaginary value
3) true value
4) Ideal value

21. Bozeman constant and planck’s constant differ in the dimensions of
1) Mass and time
2) Length and time
3) Length and mass
4) Time and temperature

Physics Questions and Answers


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