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English Grammar and Composition Practice Test (Pronoun) English for all Competitive Exams

1. Which of the following is not a type of Pronoun?
a) Relative pronoun
b) Reciprocal noun
c) Definite pronoun
d) Reflexive pronoun
Answer :     C

2. __________ is not a personal pronoun.
a) Hers
b) He
c) She
d) They
Answer :     A

3. __________ is a possessive pronoun .
a) They
b) Her
c) Them
d) Theirs
Answer :    D 

4. Which of the following is not correct ?
a) It is fine
b) It is 9'o clock
c) It was you who began the quarrel
d) It is feels happy
Answer :     D

5. The army had to suffer terrible privations in ______march.
a) his
b) its
c) their
d) her
Answer :    B 

6. The secretary and treasurer is neglecting ________ duty.
a) his
c) their
d) its
Answer :     A

7. Ravi and Hari work hard __________ are praised by teachers.
a) They
b) He
c) She
d) It
Answer :     A

8. The secretary and the treasurer neglecting ______ duty.
a) Their
b) His
c) Her
d) Its
Answer :     A

9. Every sailor and every soldier was in _______ place.
a) her
b) his
c) their
d) its
Answer :     B

10. Find out the grammatically correct sentence.
a) You and I are brothers
b) I and you are brothers
c) She and You have gone out
d) I and my friend went to a movie yesterday.
Answer :     A

11. Find out the grammatically wrong sentence.
a) You and we have visited her
b) She and I have bought a dress
c) I and my friend established a factory in 2000.
d) They and we plan to go out in the evening
Answer :     C

12. You and I have wasted _______ time.
a) my
b) your
c) our
d) their
Answer :     C

13. You and they have wasted _____ time.
a) your
b) their
c) our
d) his
Answer :     A

14.Latha and her friend have wasted ______ time.
a) her
b) your
c) their
d) his
Answer :     C

15. The gifts are for you and ______
a) us
b) I
c) mine
d) me
Answer :     D

16. She is cleverer than ________
a) he
b) his
c) him
d) himself
Answer :     A

17. Rama or Hari must lend ______ hand
a) their
b) your
c) his
d) her
Answer :     C

18. Rama or Sita must lend ______ hand
a) their
b) your
c) his
d) her
Answer :     D

19. Neither Gopi nor Harish has done _____ work
a) their
b) its
c) her
d) his
Answer :     D

20. The boy along with his Parents is having ____ dinner
a) his
b) her
c) their
d) its
Answer :     A

21. Suma as well as her friends is doing ____ task.
a) their
b) her
c) its
d) his
Answer :     B

22. The jury has given _____ verdict .
a) his
b) her
c) hers
d) its
Answer :     D

23. The jury were divided in _____ opinions.
a) his
b) her
c) their
d) its
Answer :     C

24. I love him more than ______
a) they
b) them
c) their
d) themselves
Answer :     A

25.We scored as many runs as _____
a) they
b) them
c) their
d) themselves
Answer :     A

26. It was ______ that gave you the gift.
a) me
b) my
c) mine
d) I
Answer :     D

27. Nobody but _____ was present at the wedding.
a) she
b) her
c) hers
d) herself
Answer :     A

28. Let ____ finish the task.
a) he
b) him
c) his
d) himself
Answer :     B

29. One should do _____ duty perfectly.
a) his
b) her
c) himself
d) one's
Answer :     D

30. _______ is a possessive pronoun
a) my
b) her
c) himself
d) theirs
Answer :     D

31. ________ is not a reflexive pronoun.
a) myself
b) their selves
c) herself
d) ourselves
Answer :     B

32. Which of the following verbs doesn't take reflexive pronoun?
a) eat
b) hide
c) avail
d) love
Answer :     A

33. The farmer hanged _______ to the fan.
a) him
b) his
c) he
d) himself
Answer :     D

34. Find the wrong sentence
a) She introduced herself to the minister
b) I heard myself the remark
c) The poor widow poisoned herself
d) She hid herself behind the tree
Answer :     B

35.Find the correct sentence
a) He himself looked at in the mirror
b) She went herself to the market
c) They prostrated themselves before the goddess
d) All are correct
Answer :     C

36. In which of the following sentences demonstrative pronoun is used.
a) Such people ought to be avoided
b) What was that sound?
c) This is a nice presentation
d) Those fields are ours.
Answer :     C

37. In which of the following sentences demonstrative pronoun is not used.
a) Such is my story
b) This is my own house
c) That was her failure
d) These articles are latha's
Answer :     D

38. _______ is not an indefinite pronoun
a) one
b) few
c) some
d) each
Answer :     D

39. I am happy to help everyone of the boys in _____ studies.
a) his
b) her
c) their
d) him
Answer :     A

40. _______ is a reciprocal pronoun.
a) each other
b) one another
c) both
d) neither
Answer :     C

41. The students got a prize _______
a) one
b) every
c) each
d) each other
Answer :     C

42. This is Ravi ____ is my best friend.
a) whom
b) who
c) whose
d) whoever
Answer :     B

43. Meet Mr. Ramesh _____ I trust a lot
a) whom
b) who
c) whose
d) which
Answer :     A

44. The boy ______ bag is stolen is crying.
a) who
b) whom
c) that
d) whose
Answer :     D

45. The company____my friend founded is running well.
a) which
b) who
c) whom
d) whose
Answer :     A

46. _________ can't be cured must be endured.
a) who
b) whom
c) which
d) what
Answer :     D

47. This is the only book ____ is worth reading.
a) which
b) that
c) it
d) what
Answer :     B

48. All ______ glitters is not gold.
a) which
b) what
c) that
d) it
Answer :     C

49. My problem is the same _____ yours.
a) which
b) that
c) it
d) as
Answer :     D

50. There is no boy_____ likes to marry.
a) who
b) but
c) whom
d) whose
Answer :     B

51. a) She wants to see herself as a singer
b) He blamed himself for the delay.
c) They cursed themselves for the failure
d) He absented from the class
Answer :     D

52. a) I want to appreciate everyone of the boys for his efforts
b) The board of directors have taken their decision
c) The team doesn't follow Its captain's instructions
d) The committee has pronounced its judgement
Answer :     B

53. a) We are not as strong as they
b) I loved all but her
c ) No one teaches English better than she
d) You have forgotten a book of you in the class
Answer :    D 

a) Each shirt look fine in its appearance
b) Her face is prettier than mine
c) The lion which I saw in the forest was ferocious
d) These are better than those
Answer :     A

a) I am sure it was not she
b) The moment which is lost is lost forever
c) We enjoyed ourselves a lot
d) I hate him talking loudly
Answer :     D

a) Let her and me finish the work
b) They resigned themselves to the will of God
c) Between you and I he is a rogue
d) Each of the stories is interesting
Answer :     C

a) What is done can't be undone
b) She has studied neither of the five subjects
c) He always thinks about himself
d) I have nothing that I can offer.
Answer :     B

a) Neither the principal nor the teachers have interest in their work
b) I don't support what he says
c) Any of the two rooms is vacant
d) Her hair is longer than that of her mother
Answer :     C

a) She is such a lovable girl as I love very much
b) I who is your friend must support you
c) You who are my aunt must help me
d) There is no life but has happiness
Answer :     B

a) The girl whom you saw at the bus stop is my sister
b) He sent gifts for you and me
c) The lioness is searching for her prey
d) All are correct / None is wrong
Answer :     D

a) The women demanded her right to live
b) The team was felicitated for its success
c) The Comptroller and Auditor General submitted their report
d) Each student and each teacher are doing their work sincerely
Answer :     B

a) He and I have done our duty.
b) It was her who sent the file
c) Let we be winners of the match
d) I have contributed to the team as much as him
Answer :     A

a) Who was there but she to look after the family
b) Each has his own strength and weakness
c) One shouldn't forget what his condition is
d) All are wrong
Answer :     B

a) This is the hottest day I have ever experienced
b) He is the same man that had killed a woman
c) This is the only channel which is worth watching
d) The moment that is lost is lost forver
Answer :    B 

a) You who like dining out will not cook at home
b) It was a great offer but which you declined
c) Each of the students gave their version
d) Neither of the twins are good looking
Answer :     A

a) It is he who we are searching for
b) She absented herself from the class
c) Can't one do what he likes on one's own
d) The boy which bag was stolen is crying
Answer :     B

a) Bring me the book that is on the table
b) It was a wretched house in which she lived
c) The boy whom fall off his bicycle has hurt his leg
d) The farmer is cutting the corn what has ripened
Answer :     B

a) He is a poet whose works are widely known
b) The rope that was old was snapped
c) The task that you have to do is easy
d) People whom live in glass houses must no throw stones at others
Answer :     A

a) We went there and enjoyed ourselves
b) My friend and I went to see the Taj
c) It is me
d) Let I do this work
Answer :     B

a) The four brothers love each another
b) I, You and he have had a holiday
c) None of us know it well
d) Yours is the best essay
Answer :     D

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